“Today at Ruby Shore we are celebrating the 1 year anniversary of our merger. Although it was a smooth transition, it was also a slow methodical move that took years to put together. The initial conversations began in February of 2016. Within a quarter, both companies relocated offices into the same building in an effort to work closer together. After 30 months of patient planning, Lunabyte merged into Twin Engine Labs on August 1, 2018, naming Randall Ache as CEO to lead the merger. 5 months later, we rebranded the company, changing the name from Twin Engine Labs to Ruby Shore Software. We recognize the privilege that has allowed us to continue to offer business software to companies in the surrounding area, and across the nation. We are grateful. This past year has afforded us some wonderful opportunities, and we would like to say thank you to our supporting customers, co-workers, vendors, friends, and family.”
Do you like puzzles? I enjoy a good puzzle. All of the pieces fit where they are supposed to go and when you are done, you have something beautiful to look at. And the best part about puzzles is that it’s a challenge. Seeing where this piece goes or where that piece goes. It can be difficult to see the big picture but once all the pieces are in place, and you see that final picture. Simply magical. Now imagine that puzzle is a technology company. And now imagine that the puzzle takes two years to complete, and you have the origin story of Ruby Shore Software. Fast forward one year later and you have a thriving software company, growing and learning everyday.
Over the past year we have been busy. Merging two companies together all while managing existing clients on top of ushering in new customers can be stressful. But boy has it paid off. We have been able to expand our team, grow our knowledge base and combine our processes. The fun part is that we aren’t done yet. There are still areas to improve on, processes to tweak and workflows to streamline. But we are getting there and we are getting better. We have had the privilege of working with some really great companies and great people over the past year, creating websites or building custom management software. Or simply just helping clients with little issues along the way. One of the bigger website jobs we had was redesigning the website for the Independence Bowl. This annual football game is a staple for the Shreveport/Bossier communities and has been for many years. For just a little while it points Shreveport/Bossier on the map and we had the privilege of helping the great people over at the IBowl bring a fresh coat of paint to the website. We wanted to create something visually stunning, but also something that was easy for users to experience. The whole process was delightful and the team over at the IBowl are awesome to work with.

Another project we would like to highlight when it comes to websites is the Minority and Women Owned Business database we helped rebuild for The Port. The database helps showcase women and minority owned businesses to the world. From services like engineering to construction to trucking. The Port database will have you covered. The interesting part about this project was getting a few systems within WordPress to work together to create a seamless experience for the user. Everything is connected in a way that the database can be updated automatically, lightening the load on the Port team to manage the database. It was a fun project and we learned a lot about a few different technologies during the process.
But we don’t just create websites. We also have a talented group of software engineers that can build technology that makes your business processes more efficient. And this is exactly what we did for Rimcor. “Rimcor, Inc. is a specialty, industrial contractor supplying technical services, materials, equipment, and field crews to combat heat and corrosion problems for customers throughout the United States.” Rimcor has a lot of moving parts and our job was to make sure all of the parts were accounted for. We built a time and material software for Rimcor that yielded better time management and provided them the room to scale their business while keeping costs low. It was a fun project to work on our engineers obtained a lot of experience working together as one unit.
It has been a very eventful year and we would not change a thing about it, but we would like to say one more thing. Thank you. To all of you have been with us since the beginning. To our friends and family for sticking with us between all of the late nights and mounds of coffee. To our awesome clients for giving us the opportunity to show you what we can do and for working so well with us. We are just getting started.