Now You can Export Google Search Console Performance Report 24-Hour View

Mar 3, 2025 | Applications, New Tech

Recently, Google added the new 24-hour view to the performance reports, but there was no easy way to export that data to other platforms. Now, you can easily export hourly data for the past 24 hours from Google Search Console’s performance report.

Google used social to announce about exporting the data. In its post, Google said, “Last month, we announced the 24-hour view in the Search Console Performance reports, and we got lots of positive feedback and feature requests. Today, we’re making the export button available for that view (one of the most requested features): the ability to export data on an hourly basis for the last 24 hours. Enjoy the new data!”

Google then shared this screenshot showing you can export this data in Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, or CSV format:


It is good news for businesses that they will be able to use the data outside of the web interface in Google Search Console, as it will be highly beneficial when trying to debug and discover new insights. While you can only export this data for the past 24 hours, it can still be useful to see this data, in almost real-time, from Google Search Console.

Keep an eye on this data, validate it against the other exports, and see how to use it to improve your site and content over time.

